Monday, September 3, 2012

Dimitsana / Δημητσάνα

Dimitsana / Δημητσάνα

amalia lam posted a photo:

Dimitsana / Δημητσάνα

Dimitsana is a historic village in Peloponnisos and capital of the province Gortynia of Arcadia prefecture. The story begins in the Homeric times, when in its position there was a small town called Tefthis which had participated in the Trojan war of colonization. Dimitsana, during the years of Tourkokratia (years under the Turkish rule), played an important role with the "secret school" and in 1821 with the "Dimitsan gunpowder" that it produced. It is home to the national martyr Patriarch Gregory V, whose statue stands in the main square of the village, and to Bishop Palaion Patron Germanou. During the war of 1821, 14 gunpowder mills of Dimitsana worked day and night "feeding" the militants. For this reason Dimitsana was called "powder keg of the Nation". Dimitsana is a remarkable stone village with mansions, most of which are now restored. The village is a typical example of Gortynia architecture and described as traditional.

Thank you all for your visit



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