Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Below the Acropolis

[amalia lam]( posted a photo:

[![Below the Acropolis](](

Plaka is a district in the center of Athens below the Acropolis. It is located in the south of the district Makriyannis, east to the area of Temple of Olympian Zeus and Zappion, north to the commercial center of Athens and west to Monastiraki .

After the war, the buildings of Plaka were preserved in their entirety, so Plaka is the only district of Athens where, to an extend, one can see the city as it was 100 years ago . In the area there are museums , taverns , restaurants , cafes and souvenir shops , and preserved buildings of famous citizens of old Athens .

On the way from Plaka to Acropolis you can find Anafiotika . It is a picturesque tiny district in Cycladic style , constructed by builders from Anafi island who, in the second half of the 19th century , were seeking a neighborhood to build their homes , since in the rest of Athens the cost for renting or byuing land was expensive for them. Similar areas where internal migrants brought the architecture from their place of origin to the new one, could be found elsewhere in Athens too, but failed to survive the redevelopment over the years.

Thank you all known and unknown friends in Flickr for your visit


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